

Quick introduction of LAMP food menu!

Hello! I am A.K!
There is a restaurant attached to the guesthouse LAMP which has been quite popular among locals and guests.
We call our restaurant “a fusion restaurant” and this is a bit confusing sometimes.
Today, in order to get more people to know what exactly we serve, I will do quick introduction of our meals.


We serve only burgers at lunch.
The patty of burgers is made of 100% beef(only the seasonings) and there are 7 kinds of burgers.

1)LAMP Burger

We put special homemade chili in between patty and bun which gives spicy flavor.
This is the one you should definitely try first.

2)Teriyaki Burger

Unlike other burgers, this one has totally different flavor.
Beside most of the flavor come from homemade teriyaki source(sweet soy source), we add cream cheese and sweet radish pickles which bring all the flavors together.

3)Wild Bacon Burger

This is my favorite burger!
This is simply just delicious!
We put thick fried bacon made in local farm, homemade organic lemon syrup and special Japanese hot sauce called “Kaminari Source”(like Japanese Tabasco).
It might sounds a little complex and hard to imagine how it tastes like, but you must be surprised that how well these all toppings perfectly work together.

Lunch Open Hours11:30 am – 1:30 pm *Closed on Tuesday
Other BurgersRegular Burger, Cheese Burger, Avocado Burger, Nojiri Burger
  • LAMP Burger : 850 yen (1,100 yen with soup & french fries)
  • Teriyaki Burger : 850 yen (1,100 yen with soup & french fries)
  • Wild Bacon Burger : 1,250 yen (1,500 yen with soup & french fries)
  • Regular Burger : 700 yen (900 yen with soup & french fries)
  • Cheese Burger : 700 yen (950 yen with soup & french fries)
  • Avocado Burger : 1,000 yen (1,250 yen with soup & french fries)
  • Nojiri Burger : 950 yen (1,200 yen with soup & french fries)


We have many food options at dinner (burger is not available).
The menu changes depending on season.

1)Smoked Chicken Leg (1,200 yen)

We smoke chicken leg with “Sakura wood chips” slowly and gently.(Sakura = Cherry Blossom).
The chicken leg is from Nagano’s local farm and we marinate it with Cajun spices before smoking it.
After the smoking, we coat it thinly with special source(mix of soy source, garlic and herbs etc) and cook it in the oven.
Smoky and Juicy flavor of this dish is beyond description.

2)Grilled seasonal vegetables (900 yen)

All the ingredients of this dish is from local farms.
The contents change depending on the season in order to use most seasonal fresh vegetables at those time.
Now, at the moment of June 15th 2019, we have onions, carrots, cabbage, beets, turnip, sweet potatoes for ingredients.

3)Pizza quattro formaggi (1,800 yen)

We use 4 kinds of cheese for this pizza, Steppen cheese(German mozzarella cheese), Gruyere cheese, Blue cheese and Parmigiano reggiano.
Pizza dough is made from scratch, and we bake it in the hot oven.
The size of the pizza is about 11 inch in diameter and served with a bit of Honey.

Dinner Open Hours

18:00 pm – 11:00 pm (Last food order is at 9:30 pm and drink is at 10 pm)*Closed on Monday night and Tuesday all day

For other meals, please see below link.
LAMP restaurant menu


Born in Saga, Kyushu. Worked in Osaka for 3 years as Sales man and move to Nagano for some reasons. Please ask me for the reason when you get to LAMP. It is a bit sad story. 『佐賀県のとある村に生まれ、高校生まで田舎生活を送る。 小さい頃からサッカーをやりたくてむずむずしていたが、出身村が田舎過ぎてサッカー部がなく中学までは野球をする羽目に。 高校では念願のサッカー部に入部するも、腰のケガのため2年の秋までただサッカーを見学する毎日を送る。これが人生最初の挫折。 大学では地球環境科学科(略称チカン)で海洋生物学を学ぶも、就職した先は大阪の繊維商社。 北米向けの営業で3年間勤務し、やっと波に乗り始めてきた矢先、とある理由で長野移住を決意。 長野に勢いよく移住したものの全く就職先が決まらず、3ヶ月ニート生活を続け貯金を使い果たす。 ようやくLAMPというすばらしい就職先を見つけ今に至る。 好きなことは、旅(特にゲストハウス巡り)、アカペラ、モンハン、スノボ、酒、とんこつラーメン』