

Winter is coming! !

Hello, I am A.K!
All the leaves are changing their colors and preparing for winter now.
Here at lamp, there are many activities you can try in the green season, but some people might wonder what to do in other time like winter.

There are actually many things to do in winter in spite of lack of lake activities!
I will quickly introduce a few ideas of what to do in winter.

Skiing or Snowboarding

LAMP is surrounded by 3 big mountains where you can enjoy alpine skiing or snowboarding.

・Mt.Kurohime (Kurohime snow park)
・Mt.Myoko (Myoko Suginohara ski resort, Akakura Kanko ski resort, Akakura Onsen ski resort)
・Mt.Madarao (Tangram ski circus, Madarao Kogen ski resort)

We have free shuttle for guests to Mt.Kurohime and Mt.Myoko.
So, you do not have to be worried about renting a car and drive on the frozen icy road.
*For Mt. Madarao, you can get there by local bus (Free shuttle is available to the bus stop).

Plus, we have discounted lift ticket for Akakura Kanko Ski resort and discount coupon for Kurohime snow park and Myoko Suginohara.

Rental Ski wear and hard gears are also available!

There are also several spots for back country skiing or snowboarding.
Let’s enjoy fresh JAPAW!

Schedule o free shuttleDeparture 8:30 am / Pick-up around 4:00 pm
PeriodDuring open period of ski resort

(Usually from end of December to beginning of April)




Snowshoe Hiking & Cross country skiing

We have tours for both snowshoe hiking and Cross country skiing.
Unlike alpine skiing and snowboarding, you can enjoy the beautiful winter scenery with forests covered with snow.

Snowshoe Hiking

Exploring around by following the animal footprints, observing plants preparing for sprouting in spring, walking on a frozen pond and even diving in fluffy new snow!
Snowshoeing is much easier than you think and more fun. It is like adventure in the different world with lots silver and white.

At lunchtime our guide will set up a table with snow and prepare for hot soup and coffee. This is such a nice treatment for your frozen body.
It depends on the course we go, but sometimes you can enjoy break time with the view of lake.

PeriodFrom end of December to end of March. *Depends on snow condition
Time schedule9:00 am – 4:00 pm

*half day is also available without the break time

Price9,000 yen/person


Cross Country Skiing

I did not understand why people do this activity since it looked just walking tour in the snowy woods with ski gears.
But I was wrong. This is actually so much fun! It is quite difficult to even walk straight without falling down.
I also realized this is not just walking tour, this is the actual skiing on the flat and slippery ground.
Unlike snowshoeing, you can enjoy both exercise and great scenery. Definitely recommended!

PeriodFrom end of December to end of March. *Depends on snow condition
Time schedule9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Price9,000 yen/person



Born in Saga, Kyushu. Worked in Osaka for 3 years as Sales man and move to Nagano for some reasons. Please ask me for the reason when you get to LAMP. It is a bit sad story. 『佐賀県のとある村に生まれ、高校生まで田舎生活を送る。 小さい頃からサッカーをやりたくてむずむずしていたが、出身村が田舎過ぎてサッカー部がなく中学までは野球をする羽目に。 高校では念願のサッカー部に入部するも、腰のケガのため2年の秋までただサッカーを見学する毎日を送る。これが人生最初の挫折。 大学では地球環境科学科(略称チカン)で海洋生物学を学ぶも、就職した先は大阪の繊維商社。 北米向けの営業で3年間勤務し、やっと波に乗り始めてきた矢先、とある理由で長野移住を決意。 長野に勢いよく移住したものの全く就職先が決まらず、3ヶ月ニート生活を続け貯金を使い果たす。 ようやくLAMPというすばらしい就職先を見つけ今に至る。 好きなことは、旅(特にゲストハウス巡り)、アカペラ、モンハン、スノボ、酒、とんこつラーメン』