Parties & Group bookings

As well as accommodating small groups of guests and ensuring that they have the most fun possible during their stay, LAMP also accepts bookings for private functions such as company or club trips, wedding receptions, and parties.
Feel free to ask us about our out-catering options too! We can suggest tailored plans and pricing that work with your budget, numbers, and dates. Talk to us about your group booking or catering needs today!



  • Hotel


    Maximum capacity: 47
    Two four-person dormitories
    Three eight-person dormitories
    Two, four, and five-person private Japanese rooms (one of each size room available)
    Double Room with Tatami Area

  • Restaurant


    Maximum capacity: 100 to 130 standing or 50 seated

  • Outdoor school


    Kayaking: Up to 170 per day

    Rafting:Up to 150 per day

    Sansai gathering:Up to 18 per day

    Mushroom gathering:Up to 18 per day

    Cross-country ski & snowshoe tours:Up to 18 per day

Sample plans


  • Examples of full private use of facilities


    Obuse, HLAB

    40 people (private use of the hotel and restaurant)

    40 people
    BBQ meal plan ¥3,500 | Accommodation ¥3,500 | Breakfast ¥700
    Total: ¥7,700/head
  • Outdoor activities


    Outdoor education for elementary & junior high school students

    One day of outdoor activities in which students alternated between kayaking and hiking in the morning and afternoon.

    150 people
    ¥4,500/head (group pricing)
  • Catering


    Wedding after party

    At the lake paradise campground, 5 minutes walking, garden 2 second party.

    180 people (catering for all and accommodation for 40)
    Nibbles + two drinks: ¥2,500
  • 合宿


    Company based in Nagano City

    Accommodation, group dinners, and use of our Nojiriko Office for meetings. On the last day everyone got outside and spent the day kayaking around Lake Nojiri.

    15 people